With UBC’s Digital Payment Program to replace ePayment launched, all ePayment onboarding requests will be redirected to DPP

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Student Financial Account

ePayment Student Financial Account

ePayment Student Finanical Account consolidates items from several departments across campus, including Enrolment Services (tuition and fees), Undergraduate Admissions, Library, Housing, and Food Services into a detailed account statement for UBC students. It is designed for students and for departments where a student is allowed to run up an account balance as the transactions will be future dated. The items appear to students and applicants online via the Student Service Centre (SSC) under "My Financial Account" and can be paid directly online using Interac® Online, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or credit card. As with other payment process on campus, ePayment is subject to UBC PCI DSS compliancy.


The payment process for ePayment Student Financial Account can be separated into 2 parts: 1) building the bill, and 2) applying the payment.

Building the bill

When a UBC student signs on to the Student Service Centre (SSC) and selects “My Financial Account”, ePayment will request your merchant system to send a list of all items owed by or credited to the student. This list will get consolidated with other active ePayment Student Financial Account merchant items and displayed to the student on the SSC, sorted by due date. You may provide extra information for each item displayed. This is presented in a form of a clickable link on the bill. If the student clicks on the link, ePayment will can either request the extra information for that item from your system, or direct the student to a webpage you specify.

Applying the payment

The student will pick the items they want to pay and chose a payment method on the SSC. They will then be transferred to ePayment where they can enter in payment details. The payment will be authorized in real time if it is credit card or Interac® Online payment. For Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), the payment will be assumed successful until the bank authorization come back otherwise. Bank clearance usually takes 2-5 business days but it can be up to 90 days.

Regardless of whether the payment is successful or declined, the student is displayed a payment receipt. If the payment is authorized, then ePayment will send a request to your merchant system to apply the payment. If the payment is voided or returned, ePayment will send a request to your system to refund/reverse the payment.

Once a day, the appropriate accounting journals are automatically generated by ePayment for all authorized transactions and will be sent to Workday / UBC's financial system.

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